
Ellen Fullman: Isolated Reflections

$10 admission

Co-presented with
Consolidated Works
500 Boren Avenue N, Seattle

Thur.- Sat., July 29-31, 9pm

A new multimedia performance work by composer and Long String Instrument designer Ellen Fullman, with guest musicians Tom Baker (zither, LSI), Elizabeth Falconer (koto), Dave Knott (LSI), and Tari Nelson-Zagar (violin); video projections by Christine Wallers and Susan Zoccola, and choreography by Tanya Lockyer

Using two versions of her Long String Instrument (LSI) consisting of many piano strings spanning the entire length of ConWorks and played with rosin-covered hands by literally walking through it, “Fullman will bring the venue alive as a sounding space, charging the air with scintillating shapeshifting clouds of overtones.” (The Wire, July, 2004) Tonya Lockyer’s dance has been described as “emotional architecture, with cool sensuality: textured and idiosyncratic.” Using large-scale video projections, installation artist Christine Wallers attempts to create an experience of the ephemeral, the just emerging and the barely visible.